Assessments, GCSE exams, SATS, bring on the summer madness

My daughter has just completed a week of SATs, she’s been attending breakfast club all week and yesterday she had the end of SATs party! Needless to say she came home feeling sick, but to our relief (not to hers) Image

that was because of too much food, rather than an exam sickness. My other daughter is taking some GCSE papers, so she’s also under her papers or walking round the house mumbling (or sometimes shouting) repetitive statements as she drums the science into her brain. Meanwhile my partner and I are in the middle of marking student assessments, my study is covered in other parents’ children’s papers. It occurred to me, someone is assessing my child, and someone else is assessing my other child, whilst I am assessing another child…and so it goes on… My son, on the other hand, well he’s enjoying his XBox, unaware that it will soon be him. I hope he stays unaware for a bit longer, and that soon we can all enjoy some summer madness!  Good luck to everyone doing their exams and just remember the summer’s just around the corner! (I thought the donkey visualised the sense of summer and relaxation that we are after – and probably more so, because it’s not a donkey it’s a pony).

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